Justine Strand de Oliveira
Justine Strand de Oliveira is a physician associate and educator who has worked in the US, Rio de Janeiro, Mozambique and London. She has a decades-long love affair with Brazil and is fluent in Portuguese and Spanish. Justine studied fiction writing at City, University of London and continues to practice her skills through a virtual writing circle. While she has an extensive academic publishing history, The Moon Is Backwards is her first novel.
The Moon Is Backwards is also available in Portuguese translation, a lua ao avesso. Justine is working on narrating both versions as audiobooks.
Justine has jumped to a new genre for her work in progress, a murder mystery set in an academic medical center. She is also doing research for her next work of historical fiction, set in 1860s Brazil and the southern United States.
Justine enjoys cooking and gardening. She lives with her Brazilian husband and their two dogs in the Algarve, Portugal.